HAS101X - Mathematical tools for sciences and engineering

1st year B.Sc, Montpellier Faculty of Sciences, 2024


Lecture notes:

  • Course 1 - Logic & set theory (Notes)
  • Course 2 - Functions of a real variable (Notes)
  • Course 3 - Continuity (Notes)

Exercise sheets:

Exam preparations:

  • Midterm 1 - Sets, Trigonometry, Real Functions (Exam & Solutions)

Additional ressources:

  • Review course on functions, trigonometry, limits, derivatives, and integrations (Notes)
  • Usual functions and their properties (Notes)


1) Basics of logical reasoning (connectives, quantifiers, proof by contradiction, etc.)

2) Fundamentals of sets and functions

3) Continuous functions

  • General theorems, intermediate value theorem
  • Continuous image of an interval

4) Differentiable functions

  • General theorems, chain rule, mean value theorem, and inverse function theorem
  • Concept of $\mathcal{C}^\infty$ functions
  • Basics of Taylor’s formula

5) Classical functions overview: power functions, polynomials, exponential, logarithm, trigonometric functions, and their inverses

6) Integral calculus: properties and techniques (integration by parts and change of variables)

7) First-order ordinary differential equations (non-linear, separation of variables, etc.)