About me
I’m a Ph.D. student in Mathematics, under the supervision of François Vilar & Fabien Marche at Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck (IMAG - UMR 5149).
I’m also a teaching assistant for the Department of Mathematics at Montpellier Faculty of Sciences & Polytech Montpellier Engineering School.
Research interests
During my thesis, I design and implement high-order methods on water waves models, especially nonlinear Shallow-Water equations (NSW), which represent a nonlinear hyperbolic system with source term:
where $\eta$ is water total elevation, $\mathbf{q}=(q_x,q_y)^T$ is the horizontal discharge, and $\mathbf{B} = (0, -g\eta \nabla_{\mathbf{x}} b)^T$ the topography source term. Visitors can find some numerical results and simulation in Softwares.
More generally, I am interested in modeling and numerical analysis of partial differential equations (PDEs), and their applications to physics problems, mainly fluid mechanics.
- Models. Conservation laws, non-linear hyperbolic systems of PDEs, models coupling.
- Numerics. Discontinuous Galerkin & Finite-Volume schemes, well-balanced schemes, ALE approaches.
- Applications. Fluid mechanics, nonlinear Shallow-Water equations, dispersive PDEs.
- Scientific computing. Object oriented and generic programming, parallel computing.